Whitepaper: The Audit World's Biggest Myths
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Whitepaper: The Audit World's Biggest Myths
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Training & Events

Government Contractor Events and Training Options with Industry Experts

Our experts offer extensive Government contractor events and training options for Government Contracting professionals in-house, at seminars, conferences and via the web. We also personalize courses to fit individual requirements. Some of our areas of focus include; FAR, CAS, Cost Accounting, ICS, EVM, Federal Grants Compliance, Government Contracting principles and more.

Please review our calendar for public courses and contact us if we can assist with scheduling training personalized for you or your organization.

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2 3 4Compliance Updates & Hot Topics Q3 2024 JAMIS Prime InsightsCompliance Updates & Hot Topics Q3 2024 JAMIS Prime InsightsTime: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Regulatory compliance in government contracting is ever-evolving. Legislation, rule-making, regulation, and agency-specific procedures require contractors to stay informed about changes. Join JAMIS Software guest presenters from Capital Edge Consulting and Berenzweig Leonard as they review the latest updates and challenges affecting government contractors. Topics include:
Regulatory update on cost & pricing included in the 2025 NDAA (House and Senate)
Update on Notice of Advance Rule Making, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS): IDIQ contracts, elimination of CAS 408 and CAS 409
August 1, 2024, DoJ's new/updated Corporate Whistleblower Award Program
Regulatory update on the Pilot Program on Payment of Costs for Denied GAO Bid Protests included in the 2025 NDAA (House)
Loper Bright’s impact on how the FAR Council will implement the 2025 NDAA
Implications of Loper Bright on government contracts litigation
Learning Objectives:
Upon completing this webinar, participants will be aware of recent legislative, regulatory, and DCAA audit guidance actions affecting government contract compliance. They will be able to identify challenges for the remainder of the year and beyond.
Virtual Webinar
5Procurement University: Indirect Costs (#6)Procurement University: Indirect Costs (#6)Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Indirect Costs - Session 6 - Procurement University 2024 This is session 6 of 9 in the Procurement University webinar series. Indirect Costs refer to the cost associated with running the business and supporting direct projects, but cannot themselves be defined as direct costs (e.g. finance, legal, facilities, IT, fringe benefits). The Federal Government allows for reimbursement of these costs and contractors have flexibility in how their indirect costs are structured and applied to direct contract costs. Throughout the contract life cycle and fiscal year, there are several types of indirect rate calculations used. In this program, you will learn about indirect rate structures, the Forward Pricing Rate Proposal (FPRP), DCAA’s FPRP Checklist, billing rates and the final indirect cost rate proposal process. Learning Objectives: By the end of the webinar you should be able to:
Differentiate between direct and indirect costs using real examples;
Define two-tier and three-tier rate structures;
Identify three types of G&A allocation bases;
Understand the Forward Pricing Rate Agreement process; and
Determine when an Incurred Cost Proposal (ICS) is appropriate and how it is utilized.
This live webinar is eligible for both CLE and CPE credit.
NOTE: CPE/CLE credit for attendees are subject to participation and approval by the governing boards.
6 7 8
9A Practical Guide to the Incurred Cost Submission (ICS)A Practical Guide to the Incurred Cost Submission (ICS)Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Government contractors subject to an Allowable Cost and Payment contract clause must submit an adequate incurred cost proposal together with supporting data for each fiscal year within six months after the end of those fiscal years. To establish final indirect rates and direct contract costs consistent with these important procurement provisions, contractors must understand all components of an adequate incurred cost proposal and the costs that must be included within these submissions. This course focuses on what contractors must know about the Incurred Cost Submission, ICS, including analysis of ICS Model Schedules, Contract Costs, and Rate Structures. This workshop is designed to show contractors how to identify and capture all allowable costs that may be claimed for reimbursement in the prescribed format consistent with FAR Part 42 requirements, and mitigate the risk of audit problems and issues. The instructors will provide a detailed, step by step guide to the preparation and development of the Incurred Cost Submission ICS. It begins with an explanation of accounting requirements such as the rules for allowability and allocability required to facilitate the successful completion of an ICS. The workshop also analyzes the different types of indirect rate structures used by contractors and delineates how companies should develop and present indirect rate structures and claimed costs as a part of these submissions. Through the use of a case study and exercise, workshop attendees will prepare and develop a company ICS. Students will learn critical data points, supporting documentation, and how to reduce audit risks when these submissions are reviewed. In addition, the workshop will cover the Incurred Cost Electronic model ICE, the electronic version of the model incurred cost proposal, and learn how it should be filed. Whether you have been doing business with the Federal Government for many years or have just won your first contract award, you will be provided with the skills and tools that will help to ensure that your submission is accurate, adequate, and complete. Who should attend:
CFOs, Directors, Managers in functional areas of Contract Administration, Accounting, Finance, Compliance and Consulting. Any organization who are required to submit their incurred costs to the Federal Government
Learning Objectives:
- Prepare an Incurred Cost statement
- Understand and apply the rules around allowability
- Understand and apply the rules with allocability
- Correctly identify data points to complete an ICS
- Effectively use the Incurred Cost Electronic model correctly
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
Government Contract Accounting Boot CampGovernment Contract Accounting Boot CampTime: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Designed to cover the most important aspects of government contract accounting, this boot camp course is a combination of lectures and case studies to build practical and useful skills to immediately make an impact in your organization. It will cover:
- Unique Accounting Terminology and Definitions
- FAR Clauses
- Cost Accounting Standards (and Modified CAS)
- Cost and Pricing Data
- Overhead
- Allowable and Unallowable Costs
- Contract Pricing
- Auditing
- Financial Systems
- Compliance
- Defective Pricing
- At the end of the week, you can be confident in your knowledge and gain valuable skills to be immediately effective in your day-to-day work. Everyone will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Those seeking Legal or Accounting Accreditation will be awarded up to 5.5 hours of credit per day, if applicable.
Who Should Attend:
- Accounting & finance professionals with limited experience in government contract accounting, or need a refresher on government contract accounting
- Directors, managers and administrators in government contract roles
- Small/medium size business owners
- Legal and compliance professionals
Learning Objectives:
- Retain and understand government contract accounting terminology
- Apply and recognize the FAR clauses related to the practices
- Apply and understand CAS and modified CAS situations
- Develop basic cost and price analysis
- Understand principles of overhead costs
- Determine the difference between allowable and unallowable costs
- Properly document and retain information for audits
- Determine situations when there are potential issues related to pricing
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
10A Practical Guide to the Incurred Cost Submission (ICS)A Practical Guide to the Incurred Cost Submission (ICS)Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Government contractors subject to an Allowable Cost and Payment contract clause must submit an adequate incurred cost proposal together with supporting data for each fiscal year within six months after the end of those fiscal years. To establish final indirect rates and direct contract costs consistent with these important procurement provisions, contractors must understand all components of an adequate incurred cost proposal and the costs that must be included within these submissions. This course focuses on what contractors must know about the Incurred Cost Submission, ICS, including analysis of ICS Model Schedules, Contract Costs, and Rate Structures. This workshop is designed to show contractors how to identify and capture all allowable costs that may be claimed for reimbursement in the prescribed format consistent with FAR Part 42 requirements, and mitigate the risk of audit problems and issues. The instructors will provide a detailed, step by step guide to the preparation and development of the Incurred Cost Submission ICS. It begins with an explanation of accounting requirements such as the rules for allowability and allocability required to facilitate the successful completion of an ICS. The workshop also analyzes the different types of indirect rate structures used by contractors and delineates how companies should develop and present indirect rate structures and claimed costs as a part of these submissions. Through the use of a case study and exercise, workshop attendees will prepare and develop a company ICS. Students will learn critical data points, supporting documentation, and how to reduce audit risks when these submissions are reviewed. In addition, the workshop will cover the Incurred Cost Electronic model ICE, the electronic version of the model incurred cost proposal, and learn how it should be filed. Whether you have been doing business with the Federal Government for many years or have just won your first contract award, you will be provided with the skills and tools that will help to ensure that your submission is accurate, adequate, and complete. Who should attend:
CFOs, Directors, Managers in functional areas of Contract Administration, Accounting, Finance, Compliance and Consulting. Any organization who are required to submit their incurred costs to the Federal Government
Learning Objectives:
- Prepare an Incurred Cost statement
- Understand and apply the rules around allowability
- Understand and apply the rules with allocability
- Correctly identify data points to complete an ICS
- Effectively use the Incurred Cost Electronic model correctly
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
Government Contract Accounting Boot CampGovernment Contract Accounting Boot CampTime: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Designed to cover the most important aspects of government contract accounting, this boot camp course is a combination of lectures and case studies to build practical and useful skills to immediately make an impact in your organization. It will cover:
- Unique Accounting Terminology and Definitions
- FAR Clauses
- Cost Accounting Standards (and Modified CAS)
- Cost and Pricing Data
- Overhead
- Allowable and Unallowable Costs
- Contract Pricing
- Auditing
- Financial Systems
- Compliance
- Defective Pricing
- At the end of the week, you can be confident in your knowledge and gain valuable skills to be immediately effective in your day-to-day work. Everyone will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Those seeking Legal or Accounting Accreditation will be awarded up to 5.5 hours of credit per day, if applicable.
Who Should Attend:
- Accounting & finance professionals with limited experience in government contract accounting, or need a refresher on government contract accounting
- Directors, managers and administrators in government contract roles
- Small/medium size business owners
- Legal and compliance professionals
Learning Objectives:
- Retain and understand government contract accounting terminology
- Apply and recognize the FAR clauses related to the practices
- Apply and understand CAS and modified CAS situations
- Develop basic cost and price analysis
- Understand principles of overhead costs
- Determine the difference between allowable and unallowable costs
- Properly document and retain information for audits
- Determine situations when there are potential issues related to pricing
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
Thompson Grants 2-Day Federal Grants Forum: State and LocalThompson Grants 2-Day Federal Grants Forum: State and LocalTime: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
New uniform guidance changes – coupled with learning how to navigate a world trying to mitigate a pandemic crisis – means shifting expectations, priorities and resources. Over the past year, state and local governments have been among the most heavily impacted entities. Because more than 75% of all federal funding is awarded to pass-through entities such as state and local governments, which in turn offer subawards to other applicants, it is vital that protecting your federal funding is more important than ever before in these uncertain times.
Join Thompson Grants virtually for the Federal Grants Forum September 10-11, 2024, and learn about coronavirus-related grants considerations, the most recently issued Compliance Supplement and its subsequent addenda, and how grants have been impacted by the uniform guidance changes that went into effect. Federal agencies have issued guidance specifically impacting the responsibilities of state and local governments. This is the compliance information you need to confidently manage your grants and protect your funding. Our two-day agenda includes powerhouse sessions that cover everything you need to know – start to finish – about the new audit testing requirements have changed the game. PLUS, you’ll be able to ask your specific questions directly to our trainers in our virtual learning environment as you watch the presentations. With your registration, you will receive: ✓ Two days of expert-led grants training.
✓ Up to 9.6 NASBA CPEs & 9.6 GPCI CEUs (Interactive virtual viewers only)
11Government Contract Accounting Boot CampGovernment Contract Accounting Boot CampTime: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Designed to cover the most important aspects of government contract accounting, this boot camp course is a combination of lectures and case studies to build practical and useful skills to immediately make an impact in your organization. It will cover:
- Unique Accounting Terminology and Definitions
- FAR Clauses
- Cost Accounting Standards (and Modified CAS)
- Cost and Pricing Data
- Overhead
- Allowable and Unallowable Costs
- Contract Pricing
- Auditing
- Financial Systems
- Compliance
- Defective Pricing
- At the end of the week, you can be confident in your knowledge and gain valuable skills to be immediately effective in your day-to-day work. Everyone will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Those seeking Legal or Accounting Accreditation will be awarded up to 5.5 hours of credit per day, if applicable.
Who Should Attend:
- Accounting & finance professionals with limited experience in government contract accounting, or need a refresher on government contract accounting
- Directors, managers and administrators in government contract roles
- Small/medium size business owners
- Legal and compliance professionals
Learning Objectives:
- Retain and understand government contract accounting terminology
- Apply and recognize the FAR clauses related to the practices
- Apply and understand CAS and modified CAS situations
- Develop basic cost and price analysis
- Understand principles of overhead costs
- Determine the difference between allowable and unallowable costs
- Properly document and retain information for audits
- Determine situations when there are potential issues related to pricing
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
DCAA Contractor Business Systems and Internal ControlsDCAA Contractor Business Systems and Internal ControlsTime: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
In 2009, the Commission on Wartime Contracting issued a special report on contractor business systems. This report highlights the Commission’s principal conclusion: “Contractor business systems and internal controls are the first line of defense against waste, fraud and abuse.” This report set in motion the promulgation of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Business Systems Rule, which was finalized on February 24, 2012. This course focuses on the development of internal controls for compliance with the DFARS defined Business Systems: Accounting, Estimating, Material Management and Accounting System (MMAS), Earned Value Management (EVM), Purchasing, and Property. The course emphasizes the role of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) in auditing and evaluating contractors’ internal controls. In fact, DCAA has continuously developed new audit programs for assessing contractors’ compliance with the detailed requirements of the DFARS. This has been an evolution that has resulted in shifting emphases by DCAA up to and including the present time. The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) has similarly adjusted its review criteria as well. The instruction provides recommended and proven approaches to develop, maintain, and monitor internal business system controls for compliance with Government contract requirements including FAR and DFARS business system requirements. This course is recommended for those individuals who have a fundamental or better background in negotiated government contracting, and government contract regulatory compliance related responsibilities. It will benefit individuals with responsibilities for developing and conducting internal compliance audits and oversight reviews as well as contractors who wish to establish, improve or update existing systems of internal controls. Overall, this course will enhance skills in government contract compliance risk management. Who should attend:
- Compliance Professionals
- Audit and Internal Controls Professionals
- Finance and Accounting Professionals
- Small Business professionals
- Prime Contractors
- Contract Managers and Administrators
- Senior Level Contracts Professionals
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the nature and intent of business systems compliance requirements
- Create Internal control risk management and compliance models
- Develop Inter-relationships between accounting and other related systems
- Understand The types of compliance internal controls
- Recognize indicators of risk/vulnerability and potential non-compliance in business systems
- The adequacy qualities, government oversight approaches and significant compliance issues related to various business systems.
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
Thompson Grants 2-Day Federal Grants Forum: State and LocalThompson Grants 2-Day Federal Grants Forum: State and LocalTime: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
New uniform guidance changes – coupled with learning how to navigate a world trying to mitigate a pandemic crisis – means shifting expectations, priorities and resources. Over the past year, state and local governments have been among the most heavily impacted entities. Because more than 75% of all federal funding is awarded to pass-through entities such as state and local governments, which in turn offer subawards to other applicants, it is vital that protecting your federal funding is more important than ever before in these uncertain times.
Join Thompson Grants virtually for the Federal Grants Forum September 10-11, 2024, and learn about coronavirus-related grants considerations, the most recently issued Compliance Supplement and its subsequent addenda, and how grants have been impacted by the uniform guidance changes that went into effect. Federal agencies have issued guidance specifically impacting the responsibilities of state and local governments. This is the compliance information you need to confidently manage your grants and protect your funding. Our two-day agenda includes powerhouse sessions that cover everything you need to know – start to finish – about the new audit testing requirements have changed the game. PLUS, you’ll be able to ask your specific questions directly to our trainers in our virtual learning environment as you watch the presentations. With your registration, you will receive: ✓ Two days of expert-led grants training.
✓ Up to 9.6 NASBA CPEs & 9.6 GPCI CEUs (Interactive virtual viewers only)
12Government Contract Accounting Boot CampGovernment Contract Accounting Boot CampTime: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Designed to cover the most important aspects of government contract accounting, this boot camp course is a combination of lectures and case studies to build practical and useful skills to immediately make an impact in your organization. It will cover:
- Unique Accounting Terminology and Definitions
- FAR Clauses
- Cost Accounting Standards (and Modified CAS)
- Cost and Pricing Data
- Overhead
- Allowable and Unallowable Costs
- Contract Pricing
- Auditing
- Financial Systems
- Compliance
- Defective Pricing
- At the end of the week, you can be confident in your knowledge and gain valuable skills to be immediately effective in your day-to-day work. Everyone will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Those seeking Legal or Accounting Accreditation will be awarded up to 5.5 hours of credit per day, if applicable.
Who Should Attend:
- Accounting & finance professionals with limited experience in government contract accounting, or need a refresher on government contract accounting
- Directors, managers and administrators in government contract roles
- Small/medium size business owners
- Legal and compliance professionals
Learning Objectives:
- Retain and understand government contract accounting terminology
- Apply and recognize the FAR clauses related to the practices
- Apply and understand CAS and modified CAS situations
- Develop basic cost and price analysis
- Understand principles of overhead costs
- Determine the difference between allowable and unallowable costs
- Properly document and retain information for audits
- Determine situations when there are potential issues related to pricing
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
DCAA Contractor Business Systems and Internal ControlsDCAA Contractor Business Systems and Internal ControlsTime: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
In 2009, the Commission on Wartime Contracting issued a special report on contractor business systems. This report highlights the Commission’s principal conclusion: “Contractor business systems and internal controls are the first line of defense against waste, fraud and abuse.” This report set in motion the promulgation of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Business Systems Rule, which was finalized on February 24, 2012. This course focuses on the development of internal controls for compliance with the DFARS defined Business Systems: Accounting, Estimating, Material Management and Accounting System (MMAS), Earned Value Management (EVM), Purchasing, and Property. The course emphasizes the role of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) in auditing and evaluating contractors’ internal controls. In fact, DCAA has continuously developed new audit programs for assessing contractors’ compliance with the detailed requirements of the DFARS. This has been an evolution that has resulted in shifting emphases by DCAA up to and including the present time. The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) has similarly adjusted its review criteria as well. The instruction provides recommended and proven approaches to develop, maintain, and monitor internal business system controls for compliance with Government contract requirements including FAR and DFARS business system requirements. This course is recommended for those individuals who have a fundamental or better background in negotiated government contracting, and government contract regulatory compliance related responsibilities. It will benefit individuals with responsibilities for developing and conducting internal compliance audits and oversight reviews as well as contractors who wish to establish, improve or update existing systems of internal controls. Overall, this course will enhance skills in government contract compliance risk management. Who should attend:
- Compliance Professionals
- Audit and Internal Controls Professionals
- Finance and Accounting Professionals
- Small Business professionals
- Prime Contractors
- Contract Managers and Administrators
- Senior Level Contracts Professionals
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the nature and intent of business systems compliance requirements
- Create Internal control risk management and compliance models
- Develop Inter-relationships between accounting and other related systems
- Understand The types of compliance internal controls
- Recognize indicators of risk/vulnerability and potential non-compliance in business systems
- The adequacy qualities, government oversight approaches and significant compliance issues related to various business systems.
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
13Government Contract Accounting Boot CampGovernment Contract Accounting Boot CampTime: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Designed to cover the most important aspects of government contract accounting, this boot camp course is a combination of lectures and case studies to build practical and useful skills to immediately make an impact in your organization. It will cover:
- Unique Accounting Terminology and Definitions
- FAR Clauses
- Cost Accounting Standards (and Modified CAS)
- Cost and Pricing Data
- Overhead
- Allowable and Unallowable Costs
- Contract Pricing
- Auditing
- Financial Systems
- Compliance
- Defective Pricing
- At the end of the week, you can be confident in your knowledge and gain valuable skills to be immediately effective in your day-to-day work. Everyone will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Those seeking Legal or Accounting Accreditation will be awarded up to 5.5 hours of credit per day, if applicable.
Who Should Attend:
- Accounting & finance professionals with limited experience in government contract accounting, or need a refresher on government contract accounting
- Directors, managers and administrators in government contract roles
- Small/medium size business owners
- Legal and compliance professionals
Learning Objectives:
- Retain and understand government contract accounting terminology
- Apply and recognize the FAR clauses related to the practices
- Apply and understand CAS and modified CAS situations
- Develop basic cost and price analysis
- Understand principles of overhead costs
- Determine the difference between allowable and unallowable costs
- Properly document and retain information for audits
- Determine situations when there are potential issues related to pricing
Planet Hollywood Resort
3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
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 Thompson Grants

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Upcoming Events

  • 12SepGovernment Contract Accounting Boot CampDesigned to cover the most important aspects of government contract accounting, this boot camp course is a combination of lectures and case studies to build practical and useful skills to immediately make an impact in your organization. It will cover:
    - Unique Accounting Terminology and Definitions
    - FAR Clauses
    - Cost Accounting Standards (and Modified CAS)
    - Cost and Pricing Data
    - Overhead
    - Allowable and Unallowable Costs
    - Contract Pricing
    - Auditing
    - Financial Systems
    - Compliance
    - Defective Pricing
    - At the end of the week, you can be confident in your knowledge and gain valuable skills to be immediately effective in your day-to-day work. Everyone will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Those seeking Legal or Accounting Accreditation will be awarded up to 5.5 hours of credit per day, if applicable.
    Who Should Attend:
    - Accounting & finance professionals with limited experience in government contract accounting, or need a refresher on government contract accounting
    - Directors, managers and administrators in government contract roles
    - Small/medium size business owners
    - Legal and compliance professionals
    Learning Objectives:
    - Retain and understand government contract accounting terminology
    - Apply and recognize the FAR clauses related to the practices
    - Apply and understand CAS and modified CAS situations
    - Develop basic cost and price analysis
    - Understand principles of overhead costs
    - Determine the difference between allowable and unallowable costs
    - Properly document and retain information for audits
    - Determine situations when there are potential issues related to pricing
    Planet Hollywood Resort
    3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
    Las Vegas, NV, 89109
    Sep 9 - Sep 138:00 am - 3:00 pmLearn More »
  • 12SepDCAA Contractor Business Systems and Internal ControlsIn 2009, the Commission on Wartime Contracting issued a special report on contractor business systems. This report highlights the Commission’s principal conclusion: “Contractor business systems and internal controls are the first line of defense against waste, fraud and abuse.” This report set in motion the promulgation of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Business Systems Rule, which was finalized on February 24, 2012. This course focuses on the development of internal controls for compliance with the DFARS defined Business Systems: Accounting, Estimating, Material Management and Accounting System (MMAS), Earned Value Management (EVM), Purchasing, and Property. The course emphasizes the role of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) in auditing and evaluating contractors’ internal controls. In fact, DCAA has continuously developed new audit programs for assessing contractors’ compliance with the detailed requirements of the DFARS. This has been an evolution that has resulted in shifting emphases by DCAA up to and including the present time. The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) has similarly adjusted its review criteria as well. The instruction provides recommended and proven approaches to develop, maintain, and monitor internal business system controls for compliance with Government contract requirements including FAR and DFARS business system requirements. This course is recommended for those individuals who have a fundamental or better background in negotiated government contracting, and government contract regulatory compliance related responsibilities. It will benefit individuals with responsibilities for developing and conducting internal compliance audits and oversight reviews as well as contractors who wish to establish, improve or update existing systems of internal controls. Overall, this course will enhance skills in government contract compliance risk management. Who should attend:
    - Compliance Professionals
    - Audit and Internal Controls Professionals
    - Finance and Accounting Professionals
    - Small Business professionals
    - Prime Contractors
    - Contract Managers and Administrators
    - Senior Level Contracts Professionals
    Learning Objectives:
    - Understand the nature and intent of business systems compliance requirements
    - Create Internal control risk management and compliance models
    - Develop Inter-relationships between accounting and other related systems
    - Understand The types of compliance internal controls
    - Recognize indicators of risk/vulnerability and potential non-compliance in business systems
    - The adequacy qualities, government oversight approaches and significant compliance issues related to various business systems.
    Planet Hollywood Resort
    3667 Las Vegas Blvd South
    Las Vegas, NV, 89109
    Sep 11 - Sep 128:00 am - 3:00 pmLearn More »
  • 1OctNonprofit, Legal, Finance and Grants ConferenceThe Nonprofit, Legal, Finance and Grants Conference combines the Nonprofit Finance & Grants Summit and the Washington Nonprofit Legal and Tax Conference from Webster Chamberlain & Bean LLP to deliver more in-depth and diversified content to the nonprofit community. This expert-led, two-day intensive training event will take place on October 1-2nd, 2024, onsite at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA. The fourth annual combined conference will feature general sessions as well as three defined tracks covering Nonprofit Legal Issues, Finance and Tax Guidance, and Federal Grants Compliance. Attendees can follow one specific track or move between them to create a diversified educational experience. New this year, registration to the conference includes access to the Nonprofit CFO Awards Reception on October 1st, where we recognize and honor the contributions of nonprofit financial executives who demonstrate a vision for operational excellence, innovation in finance and management, and exceptional leadership and commitment to improving accountability and financial reporting. Don’t miss out on this specialized conference providing essential content to keep your team up to date on legal, financial, and grants issues and changes impacting the nonprofit community. Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA
    2799 Richmond Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202
    Oct 1 - Oct 28:00 am - 5:00 pmLearn More »
  • 2OctFramework for Government Contract BillingThe Framework for Government Contract Billing course will review the different types of contracts and the subsequent invoicing of these contracts to guide U.S. Government contractors with generating timely and accurate invoices for submission and ultimately reimbursement. Not only are timely and accurate invoices important for demonstrating a compliant and adequate accounting system, but timely invoice submission improves a contractor’s cashflow. This course will discuss the requirements associated with each of the contract billing types, invoice supporting documentation requirements, and finally, submitting invoices for payment according to contract requirements. Types of Contracts and Related Billings
    - Cost Reimbursable
    - Time & Materials
    - Firm Fixed Price
    - Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Task Orders and Minimum Billing
    Contract Briefs
    Invoice Requirements
    - Billing Frequency
    - Contract Information
    - Funding Value Percentage Available
    - Funding Level – CLINs
    - Inception to Date Costs
    - Support for Invoice Costs
    Labor Reports, Timesheets
    Vendor Invoices
    Expense Reports
    Invoice Submission
    - WAWF
    - Other Vendor Portals
    - Email
    - “Snail” Mail
    Virtual 2:00 pm - 4:00 pmLearn More »
  • 3OctProcurement University: Accounting System Requirements (#7)Accounting System Requirements - Session 7 - Procurement University 2024 This is session 7 of 9 in the Procurement University webinar series. As a contractor, you may be subject to certain requirements related to your accounting system. This webinar will cover the Pre-Award Survey (Standard Form 1408) as well as the DFARS Accounting System Rule including Timekeeping, Labor Distribution and Billing. Learning Objectives: By the end of the webinar you should be able to:
    Understand a pre-award accounting system survey and its purpose in the federal-award process;
    Identify the objective of the accounting business system and its common criteria;
    Apply the accounting system adequacy attributes to real-world examples;
    Recognize which accounting subsystems are covered in the Defense Contract Audit Manual (DCAM); and
    Be aware of potential issues when implementing new accounting systems.
    This live webinar is eligible for both CLE and CPE credit.
    NOTE: CPE/CLE credit for attendees are subject to participation and approval by the governing boards.
    Webinar 2:00 pm - 3:30 pmLearn More »
  • 8OctEstimating Systems and Defective PricingThis virtual course provides an in-depth look at the FAR and DFARS requirements for implementing and maintaining an adequate estimating system, preparing acceptable forward pricing proposals, and methods and procedures for assessing and minimizing the risk/vulnerability of adverse defective pricing findings from Truth in Negotiations Act violations. The primary focus of this virtual course is on implementing and maintaining an adequate estimating system to take a proactive posture to defective pricing prevention. It is recommended for financial and manufacturing personnel who provide input to or rely on output from the estimating process for proposal preparation, and those individuals who are responsible for conducting internal estimating system compliance reviews. Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, the participant should know:
    The nature, intent, and requirements of the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA)
    Underlying causes for common defective pricing findings
    The relationship of Truth In Negotiations Act (defective pricing) and estimating
    The nature and intent of estimating system requirements
    The interrelationships between estimating and other systems
    Attributes of an adequate estimating system
    Estimating deficiencies that lead to defective pricing
    The government's approaches to proposal auditing, estimating systems surveys, and postaward (defective pricing) reviews
    Techniques for preparing and supporting estimates
    Profit considerations
    Strategies for avoiding or minimizing the effect of adverse audit findings.
    This live virtual course is eligible for both CLE and CPE credit.
    Virtual Oct 8 - Oct 910:00 am - 5:00 pmLearn More »

About Capital Edge Consulting

Capital Edge government contract consultants support Government Contractors and Federal Grant Recipients. Our consultants specialize in the regulatory compliance matters you need.

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Whitepaper: The Audit World's Biggest Myths
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